Thank you for your interest in applying for a Service Club of Chicago grant. Applications for each year are only accepted between December 1st and January 16th. Before submitting a Grant Application, please ensure that you have read and understand the Grant Application Guidelines.
Incomplete applications will not be considered. All applicants must provide documentation of 501(C)(3) tax exempt status, must have been in operation no less than three years, and must provide financial statements as required by the Internal Revenue Service. If you are part of a larger organization, the financial summary must reflect your specific business unit.
The online Grant Application Form is designed to be a generic form suitable to fit all expected grantees needs. Because of the large amount of applications reviewed by the grant committee, it is important to conform to the format and not submit so much narrative that it increases the number of pages in the application. This greatly helps the committee evaluate each grant in a timely manner.
We look forward to learning more about your organization, and the impactful work you do for our community.